During the lockdown, the celebs spent their time with family members. Few of them shared the photographs and videos of their workout on social media to delight their fans. Now according to the latest update, the young hero Sundeep Kishan has lost nearly 11 kilos in the last few months and he has another 4 kilos left to put the weight. During the lockdown, Sundeep Kishan has carved a lean physique in the film.
Today, Sundeep Kishan took to his microbogging page to share a photograph of him where he is seen flaunting his chiseled body. On the work front, Sundeep Kishan will be seen playing the lead role in upcoming film A1 Express. He is essaying the role of a hockey player. Reports are coming that he will be showing his six-pack look which is going to be the highlight of this sport based movie. He has worked out in this lockdown and achieved a toned body.
Lavanya Tripathi is playing the female lead in this film which is being produced by Sundeep Kishan himself.
Recently Sundeep Kishan also opened up about the marriage. He is also the eligible bachelor to get married. A1 Express actor revealed that he is ready for marriage but he wants his better half to be active, strong, intelligent, and also possess qualities of inspiring others. According to him, he is yet to come across a person of such quality.
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