All eyes are waiting for Bigg Boss 4 Telugu, which will be hosted by Akkineni Nagarjuna once again. Nagarjuna shot for the Bigg Boss promo in Annapurna Studios following the new shooting norms. Recently the Officer actor also shared a few pictures on his Twitter handle and his excitement to be back on the sets after nearly 3 months. This year too, things are going to be super special. The talk is that the Bigg Boss 4 Telugu set will have new features and many secret rooms for doctors to operate and also for secret tasks. It is also being heard that this time Bigg Boss 4 Telugu set is being built with a budget of Rs 3 Cr. This is the kind of budget that is being spent on the controversial reality show by Star Maa this year.
As per the latest reports, host Nagarjuna is charging nearly Rs 8 crore for the upcoming season. However, an official confirmation is still awaited regarding the remuneration of Nagarjuna.
The reality show Bigg Boss Telugu season 4 is gearing up to launch in the last week of August. Many lists of probable participants are afloat on social media. However, actors Tarun, Shraddha Das, Sunaina and Vishnupriya have refused to be on the Bigg Boss show.
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