On Wednesday, Stylish Star Allu Arjun announced that he has tested positive for the Coronavirus. Even though the second wave of covid-19 saw the shooting of a lot of big movies being cancelled, the makers of Pushpa had decided to keep the show going, as just a small portion of shooting was left. Mollywood star Fahad Faasil who is playing the role of main villain has also joined the sets recently. TV anchor turned actress Anasuya Bharadwaj too had shot for her part for Pushpa.
The dusky beauty Pooja Hegde who has worked with Allu Arjun in DJ and Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo, wished for Bunny’ speedy recovery. It is known news that few days ago, Pooja Hegde had announced on social media that she had contracted the Coronavirus and was quarantined at home.
When Allu Arjun took to social media to share the information on his health and wrote that he had tested positive for Covid and he had isolated himself. Wishing him a speedy recovery, Pooja Hegde used their on-screen names from the film and wrote, “Buntu seems to be giving Amulya company! Take care Allu Arjun Sending you some healing light and energy you will be healthy in no time!”.
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