Popular Tollywood producer-director MS Raju recently grabbed everyone’s attention with his directorial venture Dirty Hari. It was a erotic thriller, and hit at the box office. Now he is coming up with another film titled 7 Days 6 Nights. Touted to be light hearted comedy with moments that bite, the story of 7 Days 6 Nights is said to be appealing to youngsters. Now according to the latest update Sumanth Ashwin, the son of MS Raju is turning producer with this upcoming drama 7 Days 6 Nights. It will be bankrolled under the banner of Wild Honey Productions in association with ABG Creations.
MS Raju has roped in a young music composer named Samarth Gollapudi who is just 14 years old. Samarth Gollapudi has his own fan base for his music on YouTube. The reports are coming that MS Raju has signed up Samarth Gollapudi for a three film contract. All the cast and crew of Sumanth Ashwin’ production venture 7 Days 6 Nights are younger than 22 years old.
This upcoming film 7 Days 6 Nights will be launched with the formal pooja ceremony very soon. The details of MS Raju and Sumanth Ashwin’ film are kept under wraps.
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