Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif has shared a new picture with her husband Vicky Kaushal. The couple tied the knot in the month of December last year. The couple set Instagram on fire with their latest pool picture. Katrina took to her instagram to share a pic of her with hubby, and both are seen enjoying some pool time. In the picture, Katrina is seen wearing a white swimsuit while she held a shirtless Vicky close to her. Sharing the picture, Katrina wrote, “Me and mine.”
One of the fan wrote: Well I’m sure you can call him MINE. He will be loyal for sure unlike many others who will start sleeping with random girls within a year of marriage. You are blessed to have him Kat. Another netizen wrote: I understand you are in love but this is just toxic Katrina. Stop trying to “own” the people you love
Vicky and Kat had an intimate wedding ceremony in Rajasthan in the month of December. Their wedding was attended by only their families and their closest friends.
On the work front, Katrina Kaif will be seen playing the female lead in Merry Christmas Vijay Sethupathi, Phone Bhoot with Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi, and Tiger 3 with Salman Khan.
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