Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has observed that the incidents of 10th class question paper leakage was resorted to only to tarnish the image of his government and the leakage was done from Narayana and Sri Chaitanya colleges. Jagan Mohan Reddy addressed a meeting at Tirupathi after releasing money under the Jagananna Vidya Deevena scheme, he said that it was the TDP supporters who had taken the pictures of Class X question papers and circulated them in the social media.
He added, “The schools were owned by Narayana who had worked as minister in Chandrababu Naidu government. They leaked papers from the school that belongsto former TDP minister P Narayana and three Chaitanya schools. They leaked the 10th class papers on WhatsApp with the intention to tarnish the image of the YSRC government. It is a case of a thief calling others a thief which shows how they stoop to defame us.
Jagan Mohan Reddy also alleged that the TDP leaders were behind a series of gang rapes and molestation cases in AP.
Jagan Mohan Reddy further said that Telugu Desam Party leaders had destroyed temples, damaged the idols and burnt the temple chariots. Jagan added, “Our govt has reconstructed the temples, installed new idols and built new chariots.”
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