Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is making her debut in Telugu film industry with an upcoming much awaited movie RRR, which is progressing at the brisk pace under the direction of SS Rajamouli. Few days ago, Alia Bhatt landed in Hyderabad and joined the sets of RRR and now according to the latest report, she has wrapped up the shoot of her part. Alia Bahtt was spotted at the Mumbai’ Kalina airport on 24th July.
Alia Bhatt is essaying the role of Sita and is paired opposite Ram Charan in the period film. Apart from them, RRR also has Jr NTR in the lead role.
Alia Bhatt started the shooting for SS Rajamouli’s RRR in Hyderabad earlier this week. Kalank actress also took over the Instagram handle of RRR for a few days and she had been sharing BTS (behind the scene) photographs and videos. Yesterday, she completed the shoot of RRR and confirmed the same by sharing a post on Instagram.
Rajamouli’ directorial venture RRR is being produced by DVV Danayya and it is set in the pre-independent era. MM Keeravani is composing the music whereas KK Senthil Kumar is handling the cinematography. The film is slated to hit the theaters on 13th October in multiple languages Worldwide in a very grand manner.
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