Satya Dev who was last seen in ‘Uma Maheswara Ugra Roopasya’ is currently waiting for the release of upcoming film Thimmarasu Last year the makers launched the first look poster which received solid response by the movie lovers. The movie revolves around a murder mystery, the first look poster showcased the lead actor seated on a Bullet amid the street with a briefcase in his hand. Now according to the latest update the trailer of Thimmarusu will be out on 16th July and it will be launched by none other than Young tiger Jr NTR.
The makers of Thimmarusu confirmed that Jr NTR will be launching Thimmausu’ theatrical trailer at 4:50 PM tomorrow, by sharing a new poster. The film is slated to release on 30th July.
Satya Dev starrer Thimmarusu is an official remake of the acclaimed Kannada crime drama, Birbal. It is directed by Sharan Koppisetty and backed by Mahesh Koner
Apart from the lead pair, the film also has Priyanka Jalwar, Satyadev, Brahmaji, Ravi Babu, Ankith, Ajay, Jhansi, Viva Harsha and others. Touted to be a legal crime thriller, the film has music scored by Sricharan Pakala.
On the otherside, the young actor Satya Dev will also soon be seen in Godse, Skylab, Gurthunda Seethakalam, Ram Sethu and others.
Thanks a ton @tarak9999 anna for your kind gesture. Means a lot for our film #Thimmarusu
@ItsJawalkar @smkoneru @nooble451 @sharandirects @ActorAnkith @appunitc @SricharanPakala @vamsikaka @actorbrahmaji
— Thimmarusu (@ActorSatyaDev) July 25, 2021
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