Yesterday the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda launched the teaser of upcoming Telugu action and comedy film Gully Rowdy in which Sundeep Kishan is playing the lead role. Coming on the teaser of Gully Rowdy, Sundeep Kishan is playing the role of care free rowdy as Simha. Neha seeks Sundeep’ help for a kidnap plan and that leads to the rest of the teaser. Sundeep Kishan also makes fun of nepotism in a dialogue.
The film is directed by Nageshwar Reddy. Neha Shetty will be seen as the female lead and love interest of Sundeep Kishan. Bobby Simha is on the board to play the antagonist in the film. Apart from them, the film also has Vennela Kishore and Posani Krishna Murali in the key roles.
Sundeep Kishan and Neha Shetty starrer is produced by MVV Satyanarayana and Kona Venkat under the banner name of MVV Cinemas and Kona Film Corporation.
Earlier it was heard that Sundeep Kishan starrer Gully Rowdy is a remake of the 2015 Tamil dark comedy Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, which had Tamil star Vijay Sethupathi and lady superstar Nayanthara in the lead roles. However, after watching the teaser, it is clear Gully Rowdy and Naanum Rowdy Dhaan are the two different movies.
On the other side, Sundeep Kishan was last seen playing the lead role in A1 Express co starring Lavanya Tripathi.
from VIDEOS – Tollywood