Recently Pragya Jaiswal was seen sharing the screen space with Nandamuri Balakrishna in an action dram Akhanda, which is running successfully at the box office. Recently during the media interaction, Akhanda girl Pragya Jaiswal talked about Salman Khan and the first day of the Main Chala shoot. Both appeared in the recently released music video Main Chala. Kanche actress said that she asked him for permission to touch him when they met on the first day of the shoot.
Akhanda girl Pragya Jaiswal said, “I was just being extra-sure and I asked Salman Khan on the first day, ‘Can I touch you?’ It’s a romantic song, it has cute moments and you have to have good chemistry to be comfortable. Sir (Salman Khan) said, ‘No problem, you can touch me’.”
The actress also revealed that she was set to make her Bollywood debut opposite Salman Khan in cop based action drama Antim: The Final Truth co starring Ayush Sharma but it did not work out. She joined him and Iulia on the Bigg Boss 15 stage to promote Main Chala.
The song Main Chala is crooned by Guru Randhawa and Iulia Vantur, who also feature in the music video, alongside Salman and Kanche girl.
from VIDEOS – Tollywood