Stylish Star Allu Arjun is working for upcoming action thriller drama Pushpa which has Kannada lady Rashmika Mandanna as a leading lady. Pushpa is a pan Indian project, which is being helmed by Sukumar and is bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers. Now according to the latest update, Pushpa teaser has beaten Young Tiger Jr NTR’ ‘Ramaraju For Bheem’ teaser and emerged as the fastest liked teaser in Telugu film Industry with over 1.2 Million likes.
On the occasion of Allu Arjun’ birthday, the makers of Pushpa released the teaser. In the one minute, twenty second long video, Allu Arjun was looking fierce as sandalwood smuggler Pushpa Raj. Pushpa Raj video took 11 days to achieve this feat whereas Jr NTR’‘Ramaraju For Bheem’ teaser achieved this mark in 40 days. In this manner Allu Arjun crushed the record of Jr NTR at Youtube.
Fahadh Fasil will be playing the antagonist in the action drama movie Pushpa, which is slated to hit the theaters on 13th August.
Pushpa marks the third collaboration of Allu Arjun and Sukumar. Earlier duo have worked together for Arya and Arya 2that came out in 2004 and 2009 respectively.
Allu Arjun was last in Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo with Pooja Hegde, which was a blockbuster at the box office.
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