Akkineni Naga Chaitanya is currently working with Vikram K Kumar of Manam fame for an upcoming film which is titled Thank You. On the occasion of his father Nagarjuna’ birthday, Naga Chaitanya had made an official announcement regarding this project, which is now progressing at the brisk pace. Naga Chaitanya starrer Thank You is being bankrolled by noted producer Dil Raju. Now according to the latest report, a photograph of Naga Chaitanya from the sets of Thank You has leaked. Coming on the leaked pic, Naga Chaitanya is seen in a sports uniform and holds a hockey stick in his hand.
The pic is giving a hint that Naga Chaitanya is playing the role of a hockey player in this film Thank You. The sources revealed that three actresses will play the female leads in Naga Chaitanya starrer but their names are not finalized yet.
Thank You marks the 2nd collaboration between Vikram Kumar and Naga Chaitanya after the Akkineni family drama Manam, which also starred King Nagarjuna and late Nageswara Rao in key roles. The upcoming drama has cinematography by PC Sriram, music is scored by S Thaman, and Naveen Nooli is taking care of the editing department.
Meanwhile Naga Chaitanya is waiting for the release of Sekhar Kammula’ directorial venture Love Story.
#NagaChaitanya latest movie making pic pic.twitter.com/uy60Ttpsx1
— Jayanth (@Urs_Jayanthm24) December 24, 2020
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