Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and the wife of cricketer Virat Kohli, new photo-shoot for a leading magazine is hogging all the limelight. Virat Kohli couldn’t resist himself from commenting on her pic. The soon-to-be mommy Anushka took to her Instagram to share pictures from her latest photo-shoot with a leading magazine, which are going viral on the social media.
‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ fame actress is pregnant and she is expecting her first child with Virat Kohli. Anushka Sharma posed in a bralette which she paired with a pants and long overcoat. She oozed confidence while flaunting her bare baby bump for the camera.
Athiya Shetty, Mouni Roy, Ishaan Khatter, Shibani Dandekar and other celebs from Bollywood also commented on the photograph.
Pari actress Anushka Sharma said that her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli was by her side and no one realised that she was pregnant as they were staying indoors. The Coronavirus pandemic has been a weird blessing in a way.
The actress added that during the initial days of pregnancy, when she was in busy in the Bulbbul promotional activities during a Zoom call, she suddenly felt nauseous. She turned off her video and messaged her brother who was also on the call, to stall them for 10 minutes.
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