The young actor Nikhil Siddharth has been engaged with Dr. Pallavi Varma whom he is in love with for a while. According to the sources, the couple got engaged yesterday i.e on 1st February in a private ceremony in Hyderabad. The engagement ceremony of Nikhil Siddharth and Pallavi Varma was attended by the family members of the couple and their close friends. The sources say that Pallavi Varma, who is a doctor by profession hails from Bhimavaram of Andhra Pradesh.
The engagement ceremony of Nikhil Siddharth and Pallavi Varma took place in a traditional way following the Hindu rituals. They exchanged their rings and got officially engaged.
According to the buzz, Nikhil Siddharth met Dr. Pallavi Varma through common friends and later fell in love. He took Pallavi to Goa and proposed her and later he got acceptance from her family members as well. They are going to tie the knot on 16th April this year. On the work front, Nikhil Siddharth is basking in the glory of his previous offering, the investigative thriller drama Arjun Suravaram and he started the year 2020 on a bright note as he took a major step forward in his personal life by getting engaged. More details regarding Nikhil Siddharth’s wedding are awaited.
After the Super Success of #ArjunSuravaram @actor_Nikhil
and Dr.Pallavi Varma Get engaged … proposed and got acceptance from parents in a formal family function .
The wedding will take place on April 16.Congratulations brother
— SKN (@SKNonline) February 2, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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