Aswathama Collections: This is the first time, Naga Shaurya made his screen presence in an action avatar in recently released movie Aswathama, in which he shared the screen space with Mehreen Kaur Pirzada. Apart from acting, Chalo star Naga Shaurya also penned the story of the film. According to the latest update, Aswathama has collected Rs 7.05 crore gross in two days. This news is confirmed by the makers by releasing a poster on twitter.
According to the latest update, a few more screens have been added across several centers in the twin Telugu states. Aswathama is helmed by debutant Ramana Teja and is bankrolled by Naga Shaurya’s parents and has bankrolled the film under IRA Creations banner.
The action drama Aswathama also has popular Hindi television actress Sargun Kaur Luthra in a pivotal role. Aswathama is based on an incident that happened in the life of a close friend of Naga Shaurya. The film deals with several socially-relevant topics including the safety of women in our country.
Naga Shaurya starrer Aswathama started with Jana Sena Chief and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s voice-over reiterating the need for people to stand up to the injustice that surrounds them. The movie Aswathama revolves around a socially relevant issue.
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