Bollywood beauty Kiara Advani made her entry in Tollywood with the film Bharat Ane Nenu. Kiara has got good appreciation for her acting in the movie. Her role as a common girl loving Chief Minister has been received well. After that she has done Vinaya Vidheya Rama which didn’t click as expected. Kiara has been looking for right scripts to act again in Tollywood. Looks like one such has come in her way.
According to the latest update Kiara has been roped opposite Power Star Pawan Kalyan. It is well known that Pawan Kalyan has been playing the role of lawyer in his upcoming film Pink. Shooting of that movie is going at a brisk pace. Pawan on the other hand has also started his next movie in the direction of Krish.
The film’s shooting started today. Latest rumors about the movie is that Kiara Advani has been approached for the role of main heroine in the flick. There is scope for another heroine who hasn’t been finalized yet. Even Kiara hasn’t said yes yet. However she has been thinking to sign the dotted line soon, says the sources. MM Keeravani is the music composer for Pawan – Krish film. AM Ratnam is the producer.
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