Poonam Kaur entered Tollywood with ‘Mayajalam’ helmed by SV Krishna Reddy in the year 2006. Though she has been the part of various Telugu movies such as Oka `V` Chitram, Souryam, Nagavalli, Gaganam, Attack and Nayaki, but did not get much recognition. Body art is a very popular trend in Tollywood and Bollywood. It is known news that Telugu actresses likes Shruti Hassan, Trisha Krishnan, Nayantara, Simran, Taapsee Pannu, Samantha Akkineni, Sanjjana Galrani, Namita have got inked on their bodies. Now Poonam Kaur, who is mad about tattoos, has got inked. According to the latest update Poonam Kaur, who has no film offers in hand but busy in the social activities, has a tattoo done on her chest.
Poonam Kaur got the tattoo Maa inked on her chest. The tattoo has a Lord Shiva’s holy snake and the Trishul. The actress Poonam took to her facebook and shared the pic of her where she is seen flaunting tattoo on her chest. she said, “Happy birthday Maa. You are my forever and you are my everything ” inked forever on my heart . Trishul represents Durga in every mom.”
In past, Poonam Kaur has showed her love on Pawan Kalyan by piercing the tattoo of PK on her chest and this time Maa tattoo.
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