Rakul Preet Singh recently attended the beauty awards and made an eye-grabbing appearance. Manmadhudu 2 actress sported a red slit through dress with a keyhole cut out for the Vogue Beauty Awards held on Wednesday evening. She was looking stunning as always in flawless makeup, messy hairdo in a ponytail and the neutral lips. Samantha Akkineni, who is very close to Rakul Preet Singh and shares a good bond, is also blown away by the red look of De De Pyaar De actress. Samantha commented on Rakul Preet Singh’ Instagram post, “Amazeballs.”
Many celebrities including Malaika Arora, Sara Ali Khan, Sunny Leone, and Vicky Kaushal also attended the Vogue Beauty Awards. But it was Rakul Preet Singh, who hogged the attention by wearing Aadnevik-gown styled by Tanya Ghavri. Samantha Akkineni wrote on Rakul Preet Singh’ comment section, “Amazeballs.” This has created many waves among the fans because if you look closely at the pic and try to understand Samantha Akkineni’ comment, it might sound like a double meaning cheap comment. But it is not like that. The meaning of Amazeballs is extremely good or impressive and few naughty netizens are thinking it in a different way.
On the work-side, Rakul Preet will be seen in Milap Milan Zaveri’s Marjawaan starring Siddharth Malhotra, Tara Sutaria and Riteish Deshmukh. On the other side, Samantha will be seen in 96 remake.
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