Super Star Mahesh Babu will be acting in Rajamouli’s direction and it is a project which Mahesh fans are eagerly waiting for. If everything went well, the Mahesh-Rajamouli project would have been started by Summer 2021, by which RRR would have been released and Mahesh would have completed his 27th project. But now, all the plans went haywire with the COVID-19.
RRR is badly hit by the virus. All the schedules turned messy. RRR is a project in which there are numerous artists from different industries. Getting their dates back is not a simple issue. With this, RRR will be delayed further.
If the latest predictions are to be believed, RRR will now release by 2021 end which means that Mahesh who was in confusion a few months back whether to start another project post his current movie Sarkaru Vaari Paata or wait for Rajamouli, has now got clarity.
He can start another project happily after Sarkaru Vaari Paata. Mahesh can complete that project as he got ample time.
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