The controversial reality show Bigg Boss 3 Telugu, which is being hosted by Nagarjuna Akkineni has witnessed something that the TV Viewers and the Bigg Boss Lovers didn’t expect. Ali Reza made his wild card entry inside the house. Amid music and dance, he received a grand welcome by Bigg Boss.
The participants were unaware that Ali Reza is making his re-entry into the Bigg Boss 3 Telugu house. In the latest episode, Ali Reza who was evicted from the Bigg Boss Boss house on 8th September made his re-entry into the house. The housemates were clearly kept in the dark about the former contestant of Bigg Boss 3 Telugu show making a re-entry in the Bigg Boss 3 Telugu. After Ali Reza was eliminated from the Bigg Boss, the hashtag #BringBackAliReza started trending on the social media.
Finally the fans of Ali Reza are very happy to see him back on Bigg Boss 3 Telugu show. Siva Jyothy cried happily, with the arrival of Ali Reza. Earlier when Ali evicted and left the house, she wept continuously the whole night. Ravikrishna and Sreemukhi also expressed their happiness. Varun Sandesh and Rahul Sipligunj were cool and it seems like they were not really happy with the reentry of Ali Reza.
Ali Reza thanked Bigg Boss for giving him this huge opportunity to re-enter in Bigg Boss 3 Telugu house.
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