Everyone is aware of that Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is on the board to play the female lead in upcoming movie of SS Rajamouli’ RRR which has Jr NTR and Ram Charan in lead role. Currently Alia Bhatt is learning horse riding. According to Kangana Ranaut and her sister Rangoli Chandel, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor leaked a video on the internet, showed Kangana Ranaut riding a wooden horse that had mechanical movements. Kangana was made fun of by netizens after the leak.
Kangana Ranaut’ sister and Rangoli Chandel has once again entered into a war of words as she took to her Twitter earlier today to bash Karan Johar, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt who have been termed as the ‘nepotism gang’ by the actress.
Rangoli Chandel took to her Twitter and wrote, “These two pappus had to learn riding for their upcoming love story, they went for one day got so sore never came back again, Kangana fell from horse 3 times after various injuries and invested whole year of hard work to get galloping…(contd) and action right on a horse back, this is a proof, pappus can never work as hard as hungry bhukhhad outsiders, abhi tunhari jalti hai toh main kya karoon, pls prove me wrong show me one video of pappus galloping”
During the media interaction, Kangana Ranaut said, “I know who released Manikarnika’ video. Two other actors of the nepotism gang were also learning horse-riding at the same place as me.”
Rangoli Chandel also shared the pics on Twitter of two people horse-riding, and they looked like Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt!
It is known news that Kangana Ranaut has worked with Prabhas in Ek Niranjan.
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