Last year Mahesh Babu came up with Koratala Siva’s directorial venture Bharat Ane Nenu, in which he essayed the role of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and the movie was turned out blockbuster at the box office. This year, Mahesh Babu came up with his 25th film Maharshi, directed by Vamsi Paidipally of Oopiri fame, which is doing fantastic collections in all domestic areas. According to the traders report, Mahesh Babu starrer film Maharshi has created a record in West Godavari region.
Maharshi has crossed Rs 5 cr share mark and collected 5,01,49,000 at the box office of West Godavari after the successful run of 12 Days and emerged as the first Rs 5 crore movie for Mahesh Babu in this region.
In Nizam area, Maharshi has already crossed Rs 25 Cr marks: ( Day 1 : Rs 6.38 Cr, Day 2 : Rs 3.32 Cr, Day 3 : Rs 3.46 Cr, Day 4 : Rs 3.47 Cr, Day 5 : Rs 1.86 Cr, Day 6 : Rs 1.59 Cr, Day 7 : Rs 1.13 Cr, Day 8 : Rs 0.84 Cr, Day 9 : Rs 0.61 Cr, Day 10 : Rs 0.84 Cr, Day 11 : Rs 1.41 Cr, Day 12 : Rs 0.68 Cr, Total: Rs -25.59 cr )
This is a special achievement for Mahesh Babu as he scored a big blockbuster with a social message oriented film which has very few commercial aspects.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood