We have already reported that Samantha Akkineni is playing the cameo in upcoming movie Manmadhudu 2 in which her father-in-law Akkineni Nagarjuna is playing the lead role. Today Akkineni Nagarjuna took to his Twitter to share a pic of himself with daughter-in-law Samantha. He came up with an interesting caption, “It was an absolute delight shooting with kodala pilla @Samanthaprabhu2 for #manmadhudu2 so much fun!!!! More pics on the way #Manmadhudu2diaries @23_rahulr @Viacom18movies @AnnapurnaStdios @AnandiArtsOffl.”
Coming on the pic, Samantha is seen holding a umbrella with Nagarjuna. King Nagarjuna’ look and Samantha’ cute smile are grabbing the attention of Akkineni’s fans. One of the netizen tweeted about this pic, “Wow king you are looking sooo handsome…You are looking very young than samantha…And more handsome than her”
Recently the makers of Manmadhudu 2 have wrapped up the shoot in Portugal and the movie unit is currently shooting for the film in Hyderabad. The movie is being directed by Rahul Ravindran and it has Rakul Preet Singh in female lead role. It is heard that Samantha will make her screen presence in flashback episode of Manmadhudu 2.
On the otherside, Samantha has already wrapped up the shoot of her next upcoming woman centric movie Oh Baby, which will be released during the world cup.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood http://bit.ly/2EmH2Ph