Here is the official list of the contestants entering the Bigg Boss 6 Telugu house. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor graced the introductory episode as part of the Brahmastra promotions. Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor spoke about how it was important to express his love for the Telugu audience in return for all the love they have been showing him. He spoke few words in Telugu. On the otherside, Alia Bhatt crooned the Telugu version of ‘Kesariya’ song from Brahmastra. The first episode of controversial reality show Bigg Boss 6 Telugu has seen 21 contestants with their introductions. Here is the complete list of participants.
1. Keerthi Bhat
2. Sudeepa
3. Srihan
4. Neha Chowdary
5. Chanti
6. Sri Satya
7. Arjun Kalyan
8. Geetu Royal
9. Abhinaya Sree
10. Marina
11. Rohit
12. Bala Aditya
13. Vasanthi
14. Shaani Salmon
15. Inaya Sulthana
16. RJ Surya
17. Faima
18. Adi Reddy
19. Raj Shekar
20. Arohi Rao
21. Revanth
Nagarjuna Akkineni also spoke how he met Amala on the sets of Shiva. Alia Bhatt said that she looks up to Amala Akkineni as a person for the values she holds.
Brahmastra girl Alia Bhatt also added if Ranbir went into the Bigg Biss house, he would emerge as the title winner.
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