Young Tiger Jr NTR and Prashanth Neel are going to team up for an upcoming film which is tentatively titled # NTR31, a heavy duty action thriller. According to the latest report, both Jr NTR and Prashanth Neel celebrated their wedding anniversary on the same day, 5th May. A pic is going viral on the social media where Tarak and KGF helmer are seen with their wives.
This year, they decided to celebrate their wedding anniversary together with their wives. Jr NTR took to Instagram to share a photo of their celebration and wrote, “When you share an anniversary, it calls for a celebration … #newbeginnings.” Coming on the pic, Jr NTR wraps his arms around his wife Pranathi while Prashant Neel is seen with his wife sitting on the sofa with her hands on his shoulders.
On the otherside, #NTR31 will hit the floors soon after NTR is done with NTR30, under the direction of Koratala Siva. Earlier there was a strong buzz that Alia Bhatt would share the screens pace with Tarak but she walked out from this project. The fans of Tarak are very much eager about this upcoming project.
Meanwhile Prashanth Neel who is enjoying the success of KGF 2, is currently working with Prabhas for his next project Salaar.
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