The controversial reality show Bigg Boss Non-Stop has been high on drama ever since day one. The house will witness the last captaincy contender task today. The makers of Bigg Boss No stop released a teaser of the upcoming episode. As per the teaser, the task requires the contestants to participate in the groups.
On the otherside the telecast of the show Telugu Bigg Boss Non Stop was stopped midway at 12 AM on Wednesday. The reports are coming that the organizers of Bigg Boss are setting up the house for more Non-Stop Entertainment that is the main reason they stopped the live streaming. Live will start from Thursday Midnight at 00:00 hours.
Recently the netizens complained that the audio of the contestants was breaking in between. There was a lot of disturbance during the Bigg Boss Non-Stop Live. Hotstar subscribers who subscribed to watch the Bigg Boss Non Stop live are now trolling Hotstar. Today when the makers released the teaser, one of the netizen said: Where is Live Stream Radha Live Stream? Another Twitter user wrote: No Big Boss Telugu 24*7 Live Streaming?
In today’s episode, the contestants will be seen competing to find the soft toys in a pool of thermocol balls. We have to wait and see that who will become the first captain of the OTT season.
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