Sandeep Reddy Vanga created a sensation with the movie Arjun Reddy. The movie was remade in Hindi with Shahid Kapoor titled Kabir Singh and was a sensational success as well. After Kabir Singh, Sandeep Reddy tried his best to rope in a Tollywood hero for his next.
He has narrated his script to the likes of Mahesh Babu and others but the project didn’t happen. So, he moved to Bollywood and okayed the project with Ranbir Kapoor.
Sandeep has recently revealed that the project will roll on in Summer, 2021. He has also announced that this project will be released in Telugu as well.
Touted to be titled Animal, Sandeep Reddy has said that the genre and story will shock the audiences for sure. He is going to make a different crime thriller. He is going to break a few barriers again this time. More details to be out very soon.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood