Nag Ashwin who is best known for helming Mahanati, is currently working for the upcoming science fiction drama Project K which has Prabhas, Deepika Padukone in the lead roles and Amitabh Bachchan in the crucial role. Today morning Nag Ashwin tweeted a request to Indian billionaire, tech enthusiast and Mahindra head Anand Mahindra to assist them with an engineer for the movie.
Nag Ashwin wrote on his Twitter: Dear Anand Mahindra sir…we are making an Indian sci-fi film with Mr.Bachchan, Prabhas and Deepika called Project K A few vehicles we are building for this world are unique and beyond the tech of today. if this film does wat it is supposed to, it will be the pride of our nation. I admire you a lot sir We have a talented, fully Indian team of engineers and designers. But the scale of the project is such that we could use a hand. such a film has never been attempted before. it would be an honor if you can help us engineer the future. Project K.”
It is known that Prabhas was featured in the Mahindra TUV300 advertisement after the release of SS Rajamouli’ Baahubali. Now Nag Ashwin is seeking help from Anand Mahindra’ team of engineers.
The fans of Prabhas are now hoping that Anand Mahindra gets on board and helps them in some manner.
Dear @anandmahindra sir…we are making an Indian sci-fi film with Mr.Bachan, Prabhas and Deepika called #ProjectK A few vehicles we are building for this world are unique & beyond the tech of today…if this film does wat it is supposed to, it will be the pride of our nation.
— Nag Ashwin (@nagashwin7) March 4, 2022
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