India’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji has turned 71 today and he is receiving birthday wishes from all corners of the Indian film industry. The actors like Mohan Babu, Mohanlal, Chiranjeevi and a few others wished him on social media. Mohan Babu took to his Twitter to share a pic of him with Narendra Modi and said, “ Dear Narendra Modi Ji Your wealth of experience has impacted us positively in so many ways. I wish you a long life, good health, and prosperity. Happy Birthday to our Hon’ble Prime Minister on his 71st birthday.”
Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu also sent the birthday wishes to India’ PM, “Wishing our hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi ji a very happy birthday. May the nation continue to prosper under your able leadership. Good health and happiness always.”
Liger producer Karan Johar also wished by tweeting a post: Wishing honorable PM Narendra Modi a very happy birthday!
On the work front, Mohan Babu will be seen playing the lead role in Son Of India, which is an action entertainer with a patriotic theme that presents the actor in a never seen before role. Mahesh Babu is working with Parasuram for Sarkaru Vaari Paata which has Keerthy Suresh in the female lead role.
Dear Modi Ji @narendramodi ,
Your wealth of experience has impacted us positively in so many ways. I wish you a long life, good health, and prosperity.Happy Birthday to our Hon’ble Prime Minister on his 71st birthday.#HappyBirthdayModiji
— Mohan Babu M (@themohanbabu) September 17, 2021
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