Telugu actor Manchu Manoj extended his support to the family of six years old child who was raped and murdered in Saidabad area of Hyderabad. Today the actor took to his Twitter and urged everyone to stand for the safety of women. The rape of 6 years old child in Hyderabad has triggered virtual protests across the country.
The girl was missing since Thursday5 pm and she was found in the house of her neighbor after midnight. She was s*xually assaulted and murdered on 9th September by her neighbour Pallakonda Raju.
On Tuesday, Manchu Manoj visited the family in the locality, where they had been protesting to seek justice for the victim. The actor expressed solidarity with the bereaved family. Few days ago, Manchu Manoj expressed his displeasure over media coverage of this rape and murder incident, and had said, “On TV, the media is showing visuals of how Sai Dharam Tej fell from his bike by adding the 3D visuals, but they are not showing this incident. When will you highlight these kinds of issues?”
Today Manchu Manoj said, “This is not the state issue, it’s a national issue. Injustice to woman anywhere is the shame for the nation. Let’s try to fight as one in eradication of these acts in future.”
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