It is known that Venkatesh Daggubati has wrapped up the shoot of Drushyam 2, Telugu remake of critically acclaimed Drishyam 2. The movie, which had its launch on 2nd March with a customary puja, is gearing up for a release. The Malayalam Drishyam 2, starring Mohanlal, was a hit movie. Now according to the latest update, the makers of Drushyam 2 are going to share an update tomorrow on 18th September at 11:07 am.
Kruthika Jayakumar, Meena, Esther Anil, and Nadiya are reprising their respective roles from the first part of Telugu Drishyam. However, unlike the first iteration in Telugu, the franchise creator Jeethu Joseph himself helmed the second one.
Venkatesh Daggubati starrer Drushyam 2 is jointly backed by Suresh Babu Daggubati of Suresh Productions and Antony Perumbavoor of Aashirvad Cinemas. Satheesh Kurup is handling the cinematography whereas Anup Rubens boarded this thriller drama to score the music.
Meanwhile, Venkatesh Daggubati was last seen playing the lead role in Narappa, the Telugu remake of the award-winning Tamil film Asuran starring Dhanush. Based on the novel Vekkai by Poomani, the movie has Priyamani in the female lead. Currently he is busy in the shoot of Anil Ravipudi’ directorial venture F3.
Keep an eye out for 11:07 am tomorrow ! #Drushyam2 update coming up…@venkymama #MeenaSagar #JeethuJoseph @sureshprodns @aashirvadcine @antonypbvr @SBDaggubati #RajkumarTheatres @anuprubens #SatheeshKurup
— BA Raju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) September 17, 2021
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