The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda, who is known as rowdy hero, is enjoying huge fan base. Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam fame Vijay Deverakonda recently spoke to his fan Hemanth on a video call. But later the actor came to know that Hemanth passed away. Vijay Deverakonda paid tribute to him and shared a screenshot of their video call on Twitter.
NOTA and World Famous Lover fame actor Vijay Deverakonda said, “I miss you Hemanth I am so glad we spoke, And I got to see your sweet smile, feel your love and give you some. I am saying a prayer for you. Thank everyone who connected me to this sweet little boy. You will missed Hemanth. I want you to live on my timeline forever.”
Coming on the video, Hemanth is saying, “I am relieved after speaking to you, Anna. It would have been so nice if did not have Covid. Later, Hemanth urged the actor Vijay Deverakonda that he wanted a T-shirt from his ‘Rowdy’ brand. Vijay Deverakonda told Hemanth that he is unsure whether the outfit that was described by Hemanth are still in stock. He would try to send the T shirt along with the latest collection.
Vijay fulfilled a wish of his fan Hemanth who was apparently bedridden, believed to be a Covid patient.
Knowing his plight, the team of Dear Comrade actor rushed to his fan, Hemanth and gave away the clothing and T-shirts of ‘Rowdy’ brand.
I miss you Hemanth
I am so glad we spoke,
And I got to see your sweet smile, feel your love and give you some.With tears in my eyes, I am saying a prayer for you right now
Thank you to everyone who reached out to me and connected me to this sweet little boy..
— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) May 1, 2021
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