It is known news that seductress Bollywood diva Disha Patani, made her Telugu debut with the film Loafer co starring Mega prince Varun Tej under the direction of Puri Jagannadh of Temper and iSmart Shankar fame. While Patani was struggling to get good offers, she bagged films like MS Dhoni: The Untold Story and Baaghi 2 in Bollywood. Now according to the latest report, Disha Patani is all set to make her comeback in Telugu film Industry with #SSMB28 and she will be seen sharing the screen space with Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu.
Yesterday evening, the makers of #SSMB28, made the official announcement regarding Maheesh Babu and Trivikram Srinivas’ project which will be bankrolled by Haarika & Hassine Creations. Happening music composer SS Thaman, who is working with Mahesh Babu and National award winning actress Keerthy Suresh starrer action and romantic drama Sarkaru Vaari Paata, has been roped in for SSMB28 as well.
The sources say that Disha Patani, who was seen in Seeti Maar song in Salman Khan starrer Radhe : The Most Wanted Bhai, is in talks to romance Mahesh Babu. If everything will go accordingly, Loafer beauty will be seen sharing the screen space Bharat Ane Nenu star.
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