Nandamuri Balakrishna returns in an action drama which also stars gorgeous diva Pragya Jaiswal. The upcoming film Akhanda marks Srikanth’ debut as the antagonist in Tollywood. This is the first time, young lady Pragya Jaiswal is sharing the screen space with Balayya Babu in Akhanda, which is being helmed by Boyapati Srinu, bankrolled by Miryala Ravinder Reddy whereas Thaman scored the music . This film Akhanda is a huge opportunity for Kanche lady and she is all praise for Balakrishna.
Recently Nakshatram and Achari America Yatra actress Pragya Jaiswal interacted with the media and talked about Akhanda and she also revealed the true colour of Balakrishna.
Jaya Janaki Nayaka fame Pragya said, “Balakrishna is very chilled out on the sets despite everyone claiming that he is arrogant. I was a bit intimidated to act with Balayya as he has the image of losing his cool most of the time but he was different on the sets and used to crack the jokes all the time.” She concluded it by saying that she is eagerly waiting for the shooting to restart.
After Akhanda, Balayya Babu is all set to join hands with director Gopichand Malineni of Krack fame, which will be bankrolled by popular production house Mythri Movie Makers.
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