Kalpika Ganesh is one of the popular actress of Telugu movie industry. She has acted in popular films like Sita On The Road, Maa Vintha Gaadha Vinuma. She was last seen in female-centric road drama Sita On The Road which was released this year in 2021. Recently Kalpika Ganesh did a photoshoot in monokini and shared the pic on her Instagram. She flaunted her beauty in Monokini and captioned it, “The eye is always caught by light, But shadows have more to say.” Coming on the pic, Kalpika Ganesh looks like the true seductress.
Kalpika Ganesh is a popular figure in Telugu film Industry and her jaw-dropping postures clicked during photo-shoots will surely make anyone go weak in the knees. Sita On The Road fame actress is blessed with gorgeous features and works hard to keep her body perfectly toned.
Kalpika has the perfect body that drives all men crazy for her. The h*t babe makes us swoon with her s*xy and hotness avatar
Kalpika Ganesh was born into a Tamil Brahmin family in Hyderabad. During her initial days in movies, she never showed interest in the modelling and endorsements. However, her inspiring transformation in looks and appearance turned her into a h*t favorite among fashion designers. Now she is breaking up the internet with her alluring photo-shoot on Instagram.
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