Jana Sena chief and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan is currently touring various districts of Andhra Pradesh, offering his condolences to the families of those farmers who ended their lives by committing suicide in the last three years, and paying Rs 1 lakh compensation each to 130 families. Recently JSP chief visited the united district of Anantapur and West Godavari and today he visited Kurnool district.
According to the latest report, Power Star Pawan Kalyan received a grand welcome a Orvakal Airport, Kurnool today. His followers gathered at the airport to see him and made a beeline to take selfies with him. Now, a video is doing rounds in which Power star Pawan Kalyan has seen stepping out of the airport and being mobbed by his fans and the followers.
All political parties in AP have made political plans and have opted to move forward in advance of 2024 General Election.
On the otherside, after Pawan Kalyan started helping the families of these farmers monetarily, Andhra Pradesh government has also started the same thing. Few members of the Jana Sena also pointed this out as well, that the YSRCP is doing the same thing, simply because Pawan Kalyan started it first.
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