It is known news that the producer Madhu Mantena and director Nitesh Tiwari are planning for a 3-part feature film based on the Ramayana 3D. Earlier there was a strong buzz in the film industry that Bajirao Mastani fame Deepika Padukone was approached to play the role of Goddess Sita in this film. But now according to the latest report, now the makers are also considering the name of Kareena Kapoor for this role. The director Nitesh Tiwari is sure that either Deepika Padukone or Kareena Kapoor will do Goddess Sita’ role in his upcoming directorial venture Ramayana 3 D. The sources close to the makers revealed that depending on the dates and remuneration, things will be finalized.
Chhichhore fame Nitesh Tiwari and his producer Madhu Mantena have been planning the Ramayan 3 D for two years now.
Apart from ‘Ramayana 3 D’, Nitesh Tiwari is also working on the script of the biopic on Narayana Murthy and wife Sudha Murthy (co-founder of Infosys). About this film, Nitesh had said, “I am still writing the film’s script with my other writers.”
It is known news that Om Raut is also making a movie Adipurush in which Prabhas is playing Lord Rama and Kriti Sanon has been roped to essay the role of Goddess Sita.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood