Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt‘ loving daughter Trishala Dutt exposed her longest relationship with a guy lasted for seven years. She has been quite open about her personal life, including her relationship with dad and actor Sanjay Dutt and ex lover. Recently Trishala Dutt interacted with her fans and answered questions about her own relationship history. When one of her fan asked her if she had been cheated in a relationship, she said, yes.
Trishala was asked by another follower about her longest relationship and the reason it ended, to which she replied, “Seven Years. I would not go into major details on why the relationship it ended. Let’s just say we mutually parted ways. He was ready for a life but I was not. We had many differences that accumulated over years. Today, the guy is married and has children. I wish him all the best.”
Trishala Dutt is the daughter of KGF: Chapter 2 actor Sanjay Dutt with his first wife Richa Sharma. Richa Sharma died of brain tumor in the year 1996. Trishala Dutt was raised in the US by her maternal grandparents. After the death of Richa, Sanjay Dutt tied the knot with Rhea Pillai, but the couple got divorced in the year 2005. In 2008, Sanjay once again got married to Maanayata.
On the work front, Sanjay Dutt will be seen playing an antagonist in Yash and Srinidhi Shetty starrer much hyped movie KGF: Chapter 2.
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