Tollywood’s very own Rowdy, Vijay Deverakonda, who is known for acting in Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam, has come in the support of Sundeep Kishan and Neha Shetty starrer upcoming movie Gully Rowdy. Vijay Deverakonda will be unveiling the teaser of G Nageswara Reddy’ directorial venture Gully Rowdy starring Sundeep Kishan and Neha Shetty on 19th April.
Sundeep Kishan himself confirmed the same on microblogging page by sharing a new poster and said, “Take pleasure in Announcing that The Rowdy Vijay Deverakonda himself will be launching the Teaser of “Gully Rowdy“ on the 19th (Monday) at 5PM Thank you Dear Brother for Taking time out to do this for us.”
The major part of Gully Rowdy has been shot in vizag. It is touted to be a hilarious entertainer that has a generous dose of comedy. Writer Kona Venkat is producing the film that also has Bobby Simha in a key role. Nageswara Reddy and Sundeep Kishan previously worked together for the movie Tenali Ramakrishna BA BL, which was just average at the box office.
Sundeep Kishan was last seen playing the lead role in A1 Express in which Lavanya Tripathi played the female lead role. On the otherside, Vijay Deverakonda is working for Liger.
Take pleasure in Announcing that
The Rowdy @TheDeverakonda himself will be launching the Teaser of
“Gully Rowdy“
on the 19th (Monday) at 5PM
Thank you Dear Brother for Taking time out to do this for us #GullyRowdy@konavenkat99 #GNR @iamnehashetty @MVVCinema_ @actorsimha— Sundeep Kishan (@sundeepkishan) April 16, 2021
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