Nandamuri Balakrishna and young hero Naga Shaurya combination movie are expected to happen last year. A debutante has penned an interesting drama for a young hero and he approached Naga Shaurya. He is so busy with half a dozen movies locked already. Yet the young hero is excited about the project.
The script needs a senior hero to play the other lead role. Senior producer Sivalenka Krishna Prasad is onboard as the producer. The producer has first approached Akkineni Nagarjuna for the senior hero role. But the senior hero is very busy with his commitments. He said no.
Then the team has approached Nandamuri Balakrishna. The senior hero has liked the script then but hasn’t given his decision. The news is that he has given his nod. The project will roll out very soon.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood