Sulthan is an upcoming action drama in which Karthi and Rashmika Mandanna are playing the lead role. Yesterday, the makers of Sulthan unveiled the teaser of the film. Karthi starrer Sulthan sets high expectations for everyone and looks like it will be one helluva family entertainer. The movie is bankrolled by Dream Warrior Pictures, and the sources say that the movie ‘Sulthan’ has everything that a true family entertainer contains romance, action, and thrill. The actor Karthi has promised this film will be a complete potboiler.
Going by the teaser of Sulthan, Karthi is seen fighting with handful of villains. A character in the teaser discusses Mahabharata and Lord Krishna’s patience to give 100 chances to correct one’ behavior. And in another scene, Karthi’s Sulthan asks one to reimagine what would have happened had Krishna supported Kauravas, instead of the Pandavas in Mahabharata.
It seems Karthi’s role will be similar to that of Lord Krishna from Mahabharatha. Bakkiyaraj Kannan has written and helmed the project. Apart from the lead pair, Sulthan also has Napolean, Lal, Hareesh Peradi, Ponnambalam and Yogi Babu in the crucial roles.
Karthi and Kannada girl Rashmika Mandanna starrer Sulthan will hit the screens on 2nd April, 2021.
Presenting the teaser of #Sulthan, a perfect family entertainer. #SulthanTeaser – #JaiSulthan @Karthi_Offl @iYogiBabu @Bakkiyaraj_k @rajeevan69 @iamviveksiva @MervinJSolomon @sathyaDP @AntonyLRuben
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) February 1, 2021
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