Mega Power Star Ram Charan is all set to collaborate with popular director Shankar for a pan-India movie which will be backed by noted producer Dil Raju. According to a report, the budget of Ram Charan and Shankar’ film is Rs 150 Cr.
The sources say that initially Dil Raju wanted to make this movie on the budget of Rs 100 Cr and when he informed Shankar for the budget, 2.0 helmer said that this budget is good enough for the songs alone. Since it’s Dil Raju’ 50th film as a producer, he has taken it as a matter of prestige.
Apparently, Dil Raju has fixed Rs 150 cr as the budget of Ram Charan and Shankar’ film. The sources say that the film may be able to recover the investment pretty easily. Shankar enjoys a strong fan following in most markets due to pan-India movies such as Robo and 2.0. His movie Anniyan too is reasonably popular in the Hindi belt.
Ram Charan too enjoys a strong fan following due to his work in movies- Magadheera and Rangasthalam.
Currently Ram Charan is working for RRR- Rise Roar Revolt and Shankar is busy in Indian 2 starring Kamal Haasan and Kajal Aggarwal.
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