Shruti Haasan, the daughter of Kamal Haasan and Sarika, has been entertaining the audience since 2000, when she marked her acting debut as a child artist in her dad Kamala Haasan’s film ‘Hey Ram’. The actress Shruti is very close to her father. The star daughter is seen in fewer Hind films and she is mainly active in Telugu and Tamil projects. Currently Shruti Haasan, who hails from a family of powerhouse actors, is on the ninth cloud as her recently released movie Krack which was released on the occasion of Sankranthi, turned out blockbuster at the box office. Currently Gabbar Singh girl is awaiting the release of her next Tamil film Laabam, directed by S. P. Jananathan, in which she is sharing the screen space with Vijay Setupathi. Shruti Haasan interacted with her fans and revealed that she is in love again.
Once again Shruti Haasan opened up about her love life. When her fan asked if she is in love with someone, Krack girl replied, “True… I guess?!”
It is known news that earlier Shruti Haasan was in a relationship with Italian musician Michael Corsale, After break up with Michael Corsale, this is the first time that she spoke about being in love again.
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