Young Rebel Star Prabhas is currently sharing the screens pace with Pooja Hegde in Radha Krishna Kumar’ directorial venture Radhe Shyam. Now according to the latest report, very soon Prabhas will join the sets of his next film Salaar which will be helmed by Prashanth Neel of KGF fame. Prashanth Neel is back in Hyderabad to meet Baahubali star Prabhas. The sources say that KGF helmer Prashanth Neel will have a series of meetings with Prabhas in over next two days to finalize the regular shoot of Salaar.
When Prabhas will allot the dates for the shoot of Salaar, Prashanth Neel will finalize the locations. The reports are coming that Neel has decided to start the regular shoot of Salaar from the first week of February month. Prabhas will bulk up for his role in this big budget film Salaar.
According to the latest reports, Prabhas will hit the gym and will be bulking up for his role. If the reports are believed to be true, Mirchi star will be seen in a new avatar for Salaar. The makers are considering the name of Disha Patani to play the leading lady.
Meanwhile Prashanth Neel is now busy in his directorial venture KGF Chapter 2 starring Yash, Raveena Tandon and Sanjay Dutt.
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