Recently Megastar Chiranjeevi made official announcement that he will play the lead role in an upcoming Telugu film which is remake of Malayalam blockbuster movie Lucifer and Mohan raja has been brought on the board to direct this remake. The political drama of Chiranjeevi will be jointly bankrolled by Ram Charan and veteran producer NV Prasad. Now according to the latest report, the makers of Chiranjeevi starrer Lucifer remake are planning to start the shoot from 20thJanuary in Hyderabad.
Currently Lucifer remake is in the pre production stage and very soon the makers will make an official announcement regarding the start date of Chiranjeevi starrer. On the other side, Chiranjeevi is all set to wrap up the entire shoot by 10th January. After taking a short break, Megastar will join the sets of the Lucifer remake.
Recently Chiranjeevi announced that Satyadev is also the part of his film and will play the crucial role. The reports are also coming that Lady Superstar Nayantara has been approached to play the villain’ wife in this remake.
During the media interaction, Mohan Raja had spoken about his comeback in Telugu film Industry, and had said, “Though I have not directed a Telugu movie in a long time, I have always been close to the Telugu film industry.”
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