The trailer of Ravi Teja’s upcoming movie Krack was unveiled yesterday on the occasion of New Year, which is trending at 1. The trailer of Krack starts with the voice of Venkatesh daggubati and reveals that Ravi Teja is playing a police officer Potharaju Veera Shankar who has a knack for playing fast and loose with the rules. The trailer has clocked 6 Million views and 195K+ likes.
The trailer packs a punch with all the commercial ingredients which makes the movie a wholesome mass entertainer. Ravi Shankar and Samuthirakani are shown as the main villains whereas Varalaxmi Sarathkumar is playing a key role. Shruti Haasan is playing the protagonist’s ladylove in this film Krack. Chirag Jani, Mouryani, Ali, Devi Prasad, Sudhakar and Vamsi Chaganti will be seen in crucial roles.
The sources say that Krack is loaded with high voltage action sequences, whistle worthy dialogues, foot tapping songs and thunderous BGM by SS Thaman. Directed by Gopichand Malineni, the shooting of Krack has been completed and the post-production formalities are in full swing.
We have already reported that the makers have also shot a special song on Ravi Teja and Odisha beauty Apsara Rani, and the song is choreographed by ace choreographer Jani.
And it’s Unstoppable !!!#KrackTrailer clocked 6⃣M+ views with 195k+ likes and trending at 1 !!
Fastest trailer to @raviteja to reach this feet #MassKaBaapTrailer @megopichand @MusicThaman @dop_gkvishnu @TagoreMadhu #Krack
— BARaju (@baraju_SuperHit) January 2, 2021
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