Bollywood actor and self proclaimed critic Kamaal R Khan aka KRK, who is popular for criticiszing the celebrities, is now targeting none other than Baahubali star Prabhas and his upcoming movie Saaho. Recently Prabhas released a new poster of Saaho on his Instagram and also revealed that the movie will be out on 15th August 2019. On the other side, Kamaal R Khan took to his twitter and made sensational comments on Prabhas and Saaho. He said that Saaho would be one of the biggest disaster’s.
Kamaal R Khan wrote on the wall of Twitter, “Film #Saaho will be releasing on 15th August 2019. And it will be one of the biggest disasters of #TSeries! Because the budget is 250Cr!” This comment did not go well with Prabhas’ fans and they are trolling him on social media sites. Few Comments are as follows:
Hitman @Pa1SAAHO45: 2 Rupees critics
Ravindra @IaoouvY: Thanks for saying this to BB2 and now Saaho
PRABHAS—MANIAC @TejeswarYadav: You said this for bahaubali ..thanks again to you
Lal Singh chaddha @Glstaraamir: Sir u make deshdrohi with 500 crore budget plz. It will break the record of avatar for sure.
Peace_harmony @RiteshBaid82: You predicted means it’s sure shot blockbuster
Earlier Kamaal R Khan has also targeted Superstar Rajinikanth, Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal, Power Star Pawan Kalyan, Mahesh Babu, Rana Daggubati, Allu Arjun and others.
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