Kollywood Superstar Rajinikanth has been admitted to Apollo Hospitals in Hyderabad today morning. He was self-isolating at his farmhouse after 8 people from the sets of his film ‘Annaatthe’ had tested positive for the coronavirus. The health bulletin from the hospital authorities revealed that the superstar has been diagnosed with fluctuating in high blood pressure.
The statement from Apollo hospital also revealed that apart from fluctuating blood pressure, superstar Rajinikanth did not have any other symptoms and his condition is stable.
It is known news that the Rajinikanth starrer upcoming Tamil film Annaatthe, which has been taking place in Hyderabad over the last few weeks, had to be halted suddenly after 8 crew members tested +ive for the coronavirus. The shoot of the film Annaatthe was suspended.
Rajinkanth will be seen playing the role of a brother and Keerthy Suresh as sister in this film Annaatthe. 2.0 star was expected to complete shooting for Annaatthe in 3-4 weeks and then shift focus on his political journey. We have already reported that a few days ago, Rajinikanth announced that he would soon launch his own party and enter into politics. According to Rajinikanth, his party will be non-corrupt, and transparent. Rajini also said that they would win the next elections.
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