Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is playing the female lead in an upcoming much hyped movie RRR, which is being directed by SS Rajamouli and it has young Tiger Jr NTR and Ram Charan in the lead roles. The upcoming film RRR marks her debut in Tollywood and she is playing Ram Charan’ wife in this film, which is a big budget entertainer and is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya. Recently Alia Bhatt opened up about her experience shooting in the south language and said that she was speaking her lines in her sleep.
Kalank actress Alia Bhatt added that she was waking up and saying her lines for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is thrilled to be a part of this film.
Speaking about Jr NTR and Ram Charan, B town actress Alia Bhatt showered praises on them, by saying that they are the great personalities. Jr NTR and Ram Charan are very professional on the sets and they are larger than life superstars.
Rajamouli’ magnum opus, RRR is a period drama that narrates a fictional take on freedom fighters Komaram Bheem and Alluri Seetharamaraju. The film RRR is set for release in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada alongside several other Indian languages next year in a very grand manner.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood