Kajal Aggarwal got recently married to Mumbai Based businessman Gautham Kitchlu. Their marriage happened on October 30th at Kajal’s residence. Owing to the pandemic period, this function was a strict private one. After the wedding, Kajal went to the honeymoon to Maldives and spent some quality time there.
The actress is now back in India and has been concentrating on her movie commitments. It is said that Kajal is going ot sign a new Tamil horror flick. Deekay is the director of the movie and it has been officially announced.
Deekay has revealed the news on Instagram. Kajal along with Gautham has met the director and confirmed the project.
Kajal Aggarwal is playing the female lead role in Acharya. She is also playing one of the leads in Kamal Haasan‘s Indian 2 that is being directed by S Shankar.
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